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“平成20年初詣” への8件の返信

  1. MACさん、明けましておめでとうございます!本年もどうぞ宜しく(^-^)

  2. Hi KItty! I remember you,too.You probably did care my hair style in the movie.Long time no see. Did you come from that to Japan? Let’s work together again someday(^-^)
    See you,

  3. oh Yuya… u remember me… ??!! i’m really happy ! but i’m taking care of your costumes … not hair.. but anyway… did u see the movie ??
    i’m in Hong Kong right now… juz finished a French movie…. i’ll contact u when i go to Japan…..
    c u …. またね。。。

  4. I am sorry, Kitty. My memory was wrong. You took charge of costumes in the movie.
    Give me a letter to my office if you know that you come to Japan. So, it can make contact with you from me as well.
    By the way, do you remember Mr. Kazu? He is an actor who is terribly cheerful character. We were same team in the movie. And, we have meeting once in a while since he and I were good by that movie. I’ll talk to him that I received a message from you.
    I’m looking forward to meeting you.
    Then, again.

  5. doesn’t matter Yuya, but i want to know is this the address i show mail to u ?
    東京都港区西麻布3-5-5 303
    or maybe u can send me a mail or to my website, so that i can keep contact with u…
    for Mr. Kazu, i think i remember him, but it’ll be better if u can show me his picture…… i might go to japan in feb or March, so maybe we could meet up at that time……..
    see u then…. Kitty

  6. Hi,Kitty.
    Send a letter to that address. My office name is ‘たむらプロ’.
    So tell me a little early if knowing the day when you come to Japan. I also write a letter to you.
    See you later.


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